Home > Library > Species Spotlight > Aquatic > Freshwater Aquarium > Freshwater Fish > Characidae Family > Diamond Tetra (Moenkhausia Pittieri)
Scientific Name: Moenkhausia Pittieri
Common Names: Tetra Diamond Tetra, Pittier's Tetra
Temperament: Peaceful
Care Level: Beginner
Life Span: 3 to 5 years
Species Overview and Background:
- The Tetra Diamond Tetra, scientifically known as Moenkhausia Pittieri, was first discovered in 1949 in Costa Rica and Panama. It is native to the rivers and streams of Central America. Their species distribution spans the regions of Costa Rica and Panama.
- In their natural habitat, they can be found in slow-moving waters with vegetation and leaf litter. They typically live in large groups and are known to be peaceful and non-aggressive.
- In the wild, the Tetra Diamond Tetra feeds on small invertebrates, insects, and plant matter. They have a natural behaviour of swimming in shoals and prefer to live in groups.
- The Tetra Diamond Tetra was introduced in the aquarium hobby in the late 20th century and has gained popularity due to its attractive appearance and peaceful nature.
- They have become famous among aquarists for their diamond-shaped reflective scales and vibrant colours, which include shades of silver, yellow, and blue.
- The Tetra Diamond Tetra is relatively common in the hobby and can be found in many aquarium stores.
- The ideal minimum group size for this species in a tank is six individuals. A tank size of at least 75 litres (20 gallons) is recommended to accommodate their shoaling behaviour.
- The Tetra Diamond Tetra is not a cross of other species. The first ones appeared in the hobby through captive breeding efforts by dedicated aquarists.
General Water Parameters:
- pH Range: 6.5 to 7.5
- Temperature Range: 24°C to 28°C (75°F to 82°F)
- GH Range: 4 to 10
- KH Range: 2 to 6
- TDS Range: 100 to 300 ppm
Colour & Appearance:
- The Tetra Diamond Tetra has a distinctive diamond-shaped body with reflective scales, giving it a shimmering appearance. The body coloration varies from silver to yellow, with blue accents on the fins.
- The females are generally rounder and slightly larger than the males. During breeding, the males may display more intense colours and develop elongated fins.
Care and Requirements:
- The Tetra Diamond Tetra is relatively easy to care for and is suitable for beginner aquarists.
- They are omnivorous and will readily accept a variety of foods. Their diet should include high-quality flake or pellet food, as well as occasional treats of frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
- They are hardy fish and can tolerate a range of water conditions. Regular water changes and proper filtration are important to maintain good water quality.
- The Tetra Diamond Tetra is active during the day and enjoys swimming in the open areas of the tank. They may retreat to hiding places among plants or decorations when they feel stressed or threatened.
- The Tetra Diamond Tetra is an omnivorous fish. In the aquarium, they should be fed a balanced diet consisting of high-quality flake or pellet food. Supplement their diet with occasional treats of frozen or live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
- They may also feed on microorganisms and biofilm that naturally occur in the tank, contributing to their overall diet.
Ideal Tank Setup:
The ideal tank setup for the Diamond Tetra should replicate their natural habitat as closely as possible. Here are some guidelines for the tank setup:
Tank Size: A minimum tank size of 75 litres (20 gallons) is recommended for a group of Tetra Diamond Tetras.
Substrate: Use a fine-grained substrate like sand or small gravel. This will allow the fish to sift through it in search of food without injuring their delicate mouths.
Plants: Provide plenty of live or artificial plants to create hiding places and mimic their natural environment. Suitable plants include Java fern, Amazon sword, and Vallisneria. Floating plants like Water lettuce or Amazon frogbit can also be beneficial as they provide shade and cover.
Decorations: Use driftwood, rocks, and caves to create additional hiding spots and territories. This will also add visual interest to the tank and create a more natural-looking setup. Ensure that any decorations are smooth and free from sharp edges to prevent injury to the fish.
Water Flow: Tetra Diamond Tetras prefer a moderate water flow in their tank. You can achieve this by using a gentle filter or positioning the outflow of the filter toward the side of the tank rather than directly toward the fish. This will help replicate the gentle currents found in their natural habitat.
Tank Mates:
- Tetra Diamond Tetras are peaceful and can be kept with a variety of compatible tank mates, such as other small peaceful fish species. Suitable tank mates include other tetras, rasboras, peaceful dwarf cichlids, and peaceful bottom-dwelling species like Corydoras catfish or small plecos. Avoid keeping them with aggressive or fin-nipping species.
- Sexing Tetra Diamond Tetras can be challenging, but there are some subtle differences between males and females. Males are generally smaller and more slender, while females are rounder and slightly larger. During breeding, males may display more intense coloration and develop longer fins.
- Breeding Tetra Diamond Tetras is possible in a hobbyist's aquarium with the right conditions. To encourage breeding, provide a separate breeding tank with slightly acidic and soft water. Increase the temperature to around 28°C (82°F) and provide plenty of plants or spawning mops for the female to deposit her eggs.
- Condition the breeding pair with a varied diet of live and frozen foods to enhance their reproductive readiness. Once the female lays her eggs, remove the parents from the breeding tank to prevent them from eating the eggs.
- The eggs typically hatch within 24 to 48 hours, and the fry can be fed infusoria or commercially available liquid fry food until they are large enough to accept crushed flakes or newly hatched brine shrimp.
Additional Considerations:
- When introducing Tetra Diamond Tetras to a new aquarium, it's important to acclimate them slowly to the water conditions. This can be done by floating the bag in the tank for 15-20 minutes and gradually adding small amounts of tank water to the bag before releasing them.
- Regular water changes, proper filtration, and maintaining stable water parameters are essential for the health and well-being of Tetra Diamond Tetras.
- It's always recommended to research and understand the specific needs and behaviour of any fish species before adding them to your aquarium. This will help ensure a suitable and thriving environment for your fish.
In conclusion, the Tetra Diamond Tetra (Moenkhausia Pittieri) is a beautiful and peaceful fish that is relatively easy to care for, making it suitable for beginner aquarists. With their diamond-shaped reflective scales and vibrant colours, they add a touch of elegance to any aquarium. Here are a few additional points to consider before purchasing Tetra Diamond Tetras for your aquarium:
- It's important to maintain a well-balanced diet for Tetra Diamond Tetras. Along with commercial flakes or pellets, supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia. This will provide them with the necessary nutrients for optimal health and coloration. Additionally, they may also graze on microorganisms and biofilm that develop naturally in the tank.
- Regular monitoring of water parameters is crucial. Use a reliable test kit to check pH, temperature, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. Perform regular water changes of around 25% to 30% every two weeks to maintain good water quality. This will help keep the fish healthy and prevent the build-up of harmful substances.
- Tetra Diamond Tetras are active during the day and enjoy swimming in open areas of the tank. Providing them with plenty of swimming space and open areas will allow them to exhibit their natural behaviour. However, they may seek shelter among plants and decorations if they feel stressed or threatened. Providing ample hiding places will help them feel secure.
- While Tetra Diamond Tetras are peaceful and generally get along well with other community fish, it's important to choose compatible tank mates. Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping species that may harass or stress the Tetras. Select peaceful fish species of similar size and temperament to create a harmonious community.
- When selecting Tetra Diamond Tetras, look for active and healthy individuals. They should have vibrant colours, clear eyes, and no signs of disease or injury. Avoid purchasing fish that appear lethargic, have torn fins, or show any signs of illness. Quarantine new fish before introducing them to your main aquarium to prevent the spread of diseases.
By providing a well-maintained aquarium with suitable tank mates and a balanced diet, you can ensure the Tetra Diamond Tetras thrive and display their natural beauty. Enjoy observing their graceful movements and shimmering colours as they swim peacefully through the water. With proper care, these stunning tetras will be a delightful addition to your aquatic community.