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Our Brand Story

It all started with an aquarium, some pebbles, and a goldfish many years ago...

As time went by, many more aquariums came and went, along with inhabitants from different biotopes worldwide. After graduating from primary school, the fascination was around planted-only tanks, and this passion gradually evolved into nano tanks with shrimp and paludariums!

Throughout all these years, one constant has always been there... a passion for enclosures that bring nature into our houses. As it has always been more than a hobby and more of a lifestyle, launching the Store was more of a calling to share knowledge and help others build a perfect aquatic world in their own homes.

In the process, our goals are:

  • to ensure the well-being of livestock while under our care by constantly monitoring their aquariums for any deficiencies and preventing any issues from occurring early on.
  • to provide you with all the things that you might need to create and sustain your own stunning biotope.
  • to be there with you all the way through your journey, providing you with assistance and phenomenal support. This is what families do, after all. When you join, you become part of our family.

Our vision is for every household in the world to own a living enclosure, care for it, and subsequently treat nature and its creatures with respect. This journey helps us educate ourselves about the wonderful yet delicate balance of ecosystems and how we should treat nature respectfully.

Aquariumz is more than a hobby; it is a lifestyle. And at the end of the day, we are all "enthusiastic kids" who, at some point, started this journey with an aquarium, some pebbles, and a goldfish, so to speak.

Join the Aquariumz family, and let's make this vision a reality!